SE and Developmental Issues

A Master Class with Dr. Peter A. Levine


Date: 1st day:
10 Jul 2021, 10:30–18:30
2nd day:
11 Jul 2021, 10:00–21:30
3rd day:
12 Jul 2021, 10:00–18:30
4th day:
13 Jul 2021, 10:00–13:30
Teacher: Dr. Peter A. Levine (USA)
Conditions: SE Beginner Level completed
Language: English translated into German
Costs: CHF 1'150.00
Course location: Hotel Rigi
Seestrasse 53 - 55
6353 Weggis
Please book your room directly a Hotel Rigi:
Please note that for participants lodging somewhere else the Hotel Rigi is charging an obligatory cover fee of CHF 32.— for lunch and the general use of the facilities.

As therapists, we often encounter clients who seem “stuck” in moving forward in their lives. This complexity is often due to the existence of early developmental deficits and trauma. In this master class, we will learn how to refine our SE therapeutic skills to work with preverbal neglects and attachment deficits. One of the reasons why this can be a challenging task is that these issues are often hidden as they are what is lacking in the client’s development, rather then what has been overwhelmed. They are, in other words, about what is missing in the person’s developmental arc. This class will support your recognition of these developmental incompletions in your clients, as well teaching you to how to evoke “corrective experiences.”

In this class we will explore specific tools and perception to help us facilitate this developmental unfolding and help to restore a sense of agency, direction, and purpose in our clients.

Dr. Peter A. Levine

Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. (USA) is the originator and developer of Somatic Experiencing® and the President of the Foundation for Human Enrichment. He holds doctorate degrees in both Medical Biophysics and Psychology. During his forty plus year study of stress and trauma, Dr. Levine has contributed to a variety of scientific, medical, and popular publications. His best selling book, Waking the …

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